Spanish order of 55inch white kiosk (2)

Spanish order of 55inch white kiosk (2)

Happily, Francisco finally received a 55-inch White Vertical AD Machine in early December, a simple base installation and the AD Machine immediately.

Francisco Said that he wanted to control the Advertising Machine through the mobile phone, and also wanted to upload videos and pictures through the computer cloud service. I sent him detailed operation documents, and highlighted the advantages of Android motherboard.


55-inch white vertical AD machine

Huidu Android motherboard advantages:

1. The motherboard comes with WiFi hotspot and APP CMS. Support domestic and foreign mobile APP store downloads

2. All software is free to use

3. Freely define the program playback area

4. Supports multiple languages, and the software is suitable for foreign customers’ usage habits, can have boot logo.

5. The cloud platform does not limit the number of programs, and multiple programs can be selected and sent in clusters. Soft Splicing, etc.

6. The main account can be divided into multiple sub-accounts and grant certain permissions to the sub-accounts.

advertising machine

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