The characteristics of the elevator advertising machine

The characteristics of the elevator advertising machine


The characteristics of the  elevator advertising machine

elevator advertising

1.The design of the elevator advertising machine can spread a variety of media information. Such as text, sound, image and other information make the ignorant, boring and abstract advertisements more vivid and humanized.

2. Elevator advertising machines get rid of the previous traditional advertising modes, such as traditional leaflets, newspapers, etc., and advertising machines are environmentally friendly, energy-saving, and provide multiple types of communication in multiple directions, which are easily accepted by the majority of groups.

3. Because the LCD elevator advertising machine can spread advertisements beyond time constraints and space constraints, media companies will broadcast advertisements in more time periods, and the advertising machines are on standby 24 hours a day at any time and place, and the automatic switch will play advertisements according to the time period, effectively Advertising effectiveness spread display.

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