What are the applications of the LCD stretched bar screen

What are the applications of the LCD stretched bar screen


What are the applications of the LCD stretched bar screen?

1. Bus/subway signs

Can be used as a bus, subway indoor station announcement screen, in the bus, subway car display, comprehensive display of vehicle arrival information and other multimedia advertising information.

LCD stretched bar screenThe on-board bar screen has a concentrated audience. Take the on-board bar screen on buses as an example. Buses are still one of the main means of transportation for public travel, with millions of passengers taking them every day. The number of people it carries is enormous.

If there is a flowing and colorful display screen to broadcast news, entertainment, weather, advertising, riding information, etc., this kind of "cramming" reading media can attract the attention of passengers to the greatest extent, and it must be able to achieve good advertising effect.

2. Large shopping malls and supermarkets

Shopping malls and supermarkets are the places where most people gather. Introducing detailed contents or parameters of products to customers through strip screens can greatly attract traffic and increase the probability of buying. In addition, under the impact of the new retail model, major shopping malls have begun to transform, the shelf strip screen as a tool for advertising and sales assistance.

bar screen

3. Banks and hospitals

For customer-oriented financial services, the bar screen can provide timely and accurate financial information. Hospital registration, attending doctors and other promotional display needs.

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