Features and advantages of elevator advertising display(2)

Features and advantages of elevator advertising display(2)


Compared with traditional advertising media, such as TV, newspapers, etc., advertisements placed on elevator advertising machines can be displayed around the clock and without blind spots, which can better meet people's needs for advertising media. In addition, as an intelligent advertising and marketing tool, the elevator advertising machine can also analyze multi-dimensional data such as advertising click-through rate and dwell time, thereby increasing brand exposure and popularity, and ultimately guiding consumers to have a desire to purchase products.

      Publishing advertisements on elevator advertising machines is a relatively cost-effective marketing method among current advertising marketing methods. Scientific and reasonable advertising can effectively increase the click-through rate and conversion rate of advertisements, and ultimately enhance the brand's marketing effect. In addition, the elevator advertising machine has the advantages of dispersed advertising positions, high exposure rate, and low cost, which can reduce advertising costs, optimize delivery effects, and increase return on investment.

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