How to choose the video processor of splicing screen?

How to choose the video processor of splicing screen?


How to choose the video processor of splicing screen?

(1) There are two main points to consider:

① Simultaneously several channels of signal input

For example, two conference presentation computers and one monitoring screen. Or U disk signal input, etc. It is necessary to consider whether the spliced control processor supports multiple signal inputs at the same time.

② Several channels of signal output at the same time

That is to say, it is composed of several splicing screens. The splicing control processor is mainly used to divide one/multiple, complete image signals into N blocks, and distribute them to N LCD splicing units to complete a large display with multiple ordinary video units. The LCD splicing wall of the picture. The divided signals need to be connected to the lcd splicing unit with corresponding wires.

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(2) LCD splicing processor function

① Video output function: Compared with the computer, the video output function is the function of the graphics card. This function is very important for the stability and compatibility of the display. The resolution and refresh frequency of each video are determined by the parameters of the video output function.

② RGB signal input board: The number of RGB signal inputs determines the number of windows that directly display the signal source on the screen.

③ Start-up time: The shorter the start-up time, the better the processing ability of the LCD splicing processor.

④ Video signal input: Video signal input includes a variety of input video gateway quantities and formats.

⑤ Redundant power supply: The redundant power supply function of the LCD splicing processor can protect the stable operation of the splicer.

⑥ Software function: The software function determines the various parameter settings displayed, as well as the humanized function settings.

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