The difference between picture frame screen and advertising machine

The difference between picture frame screen and advertising machine


The difference between picture frame screen and advertising machine

The smart picture frame advertising display of the art exhibition hall is similar in appearance to a dry oil painting frame. It uses liquid crystal technology to emit light, and can display oil paintings and photo works through the electronic screen. Connected to the network, the digital sign board content can be changed at any time through one-key control of the mobile phone. Advertising machine, also called LCD smart signage, is usually used as a display screen for advertising. It is often used in subway stations, airports, elevator rooms, shopping malls and other fields. It is mainly used to play some media advertisements to achieve the effect of publicity. It can also be connected Wi-Fi.advertising display

The difference between the smart picture frame digital display in the art exhibition hall and the advertising machine;

The smart picture frame screen in the art exhibition hall is mainly used to display electronic art photos, while the advertising machine is mainly used to display the advertising content of the enterprise. There is only one style of picture frame screen, which is vertical screen display, while the digital screen can be wall-mounted or vertical, and the size range is also sign board

The smart picture frame digital screen in the art exhibition hall is the same as the advertising machine;

Both the smart picture frame screen and the advertising machine in the art exhibition hall are composed of liquid crystal display technology, belonging to the category of liquid crystal display, and both are used for commercial displays. Both of them have built-in Android system and are connected to wireless network. Although the smart picture frame screen and the advertising machine in the art exhibition hall have the same appearance, they are two different products, especially in the application, there is no overlap at all.

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