What are the advantages of placing multimedia LCD advertising machines in large supermarkets

What are the advantages of placing multimedia LCD advertising machines in large supermarkets


What are the advantages of placing multimedia LCD advertising machines in large supermarkets?

Supermarket advertising machine advertising has now become one of the media used by many businesses to promote product marketing. What are the specific advertising advantages of supermarket advertising machines?

advertising display

1. The audience is a class with a certain economic income and strong spending power. Choosing shopping mall advertising can directly hit the most potential users.

2. Around-the-clock media: The shopping mall business hours are from 9 am to 11 pm, with round-the-clock media communication.

3. 100% advertising efficiency: 100% of people entering the mall can see the advertisement.

4. Huge audience size: The daily flow of people in the mall is around 200,000, and even more during holidays and weekends. This kind of audience size is currently unmatched by any media.

5. Effective advertising memory: Ads can be published as a full-length area, with vigorous advertising momentum, close contact, and strong visual impact.

advertising machin

6. Advertising investment is low and the effect is obvious: the shopping mall traffic is huge, the advertisements are repeatedly impacted, and it is easy to accept. The advertising effect is stronger than newspaper advertising or outdoor advertising. The advertising fee for one year is less than the advertising fee for half a page of newspaper for one day, and half Monthly large outdoor advertising fee.

7. Flexible advertising release method: Customers can arrange the scope and area of advertising according to their needs to ensure the flexibility of advertising. There are many forms to choose from. Ads can be updated in a timely manner according to customer requirements to ensure the timeliness and effectiveness of advertising release.

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